Kind Words From Our Listeners

It's true: we'd be nowhere without our students. Over the years, you all have become more like family to us. Read some of the kind words our Email Templates 101 students left for us.

- niki r.

"LOVE these templates! I've been an agent for a little over a year and have done quite a bit of business but this was my first time using the email templates from start to finish through a listing transaction. It made it SO much easier and I feel so much more organized with these systems in place.Thank you!"



"I have been wanting to put something like this together for so long and never can seem to find the time or be organized enough to get it all together! Thank you for offering this! I already feel more organized & know I am going to save tons of time! You girls are THE best!

So organized!


"Thank you so much for this! I can't tell you how many times I've started this and how many notebooks of samples and notes. I have ADHD and it is super hard to stay focused on getting it done. Having it all in one place is going to make it so nice!" 

Thank you!


"Thank you so much for this! I can't tell you how many times I've started this and how many notebooks of samples and notes. I have ADHD and it is super hard to stay focused on getting it done. Having it all in one place is going to make it so nice!" 

Thank you!


“I feel like I’ve written these myself over and over , and always from scratch 🤣. How time consuming!!! I am obsessed with these templates! Slightly mad at myself for taking this long to streamline stuff.”



“Agree!!!! Business has really picked up this week and these templates are making it so easy and quick! Totally worth the financial and time investment to edit them. These are a game changer!! 🙌🏼”

Game changer!


“I bought the templates fall of last year and have just year end begun implementing and they are so fantastic!!! Saves so much time to not have to perfect them because they have already been done for us! Best use of money spent for our business no doubt that and this course!!

So fantastic!


"As a mom and a Realtor, I love listening to your shows and have implemented your templates into my business... What a game changer!! "

Game changer!