191: Do Your Due Diligence

Episode 79 Buyers Buyers Buyers

Episode 17 What to Do When You Are New or Slow

Episode 2 Culture of the Real Estate Industry:

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Cold feet and buyer’s remorse are real life problems that may take your real estate transaction from pleasant to painful in an instant. As a buyer, using your due diligence or inspection period to answer your questions and check every detail of the home is crucial. As an agent helping your buyers understand what they might want to check is just as important. The goal is for every person involved in the transaction to leave the due diligence period feeling confident and most importantly excited to move toward the purchase. Imagine a world with no last minute regrets, trying to get out of a contract, getting stuck with a mortgage you don’t want, or moving into a new home and feeling like you made a mistake. This episode will get into many parts of the home purchase and help buyers and agents check off the right boxes before they head to closing. And for our agent friends we have created a FREE email template to share with your buyers to make sure they are sure before it’s too late.

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00:00 Start
01:52 Stucco
08:48 Existing contracts
11:30 Inspection vs. Due Diligence
27:10 Termite wall
28:40 Foundation Repair
31:03 New Home Warranty
34:24 Surveys
41:24 Insurance
46:55 Clue Report
48:05 HOA Rules
52:39 Deed Restrictions
1:05:06 Toast

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The following is a rough transcript provided by Otter.ai.

Hey y’all, it’s Alyssa. During this episode, we go through a laundry list of things we need to check during the due diligence period. Since it’s a lot of information, we may do a free buyer template, which we have called, make sure you’re sure list. You can get this template for free right now at hustle humbly podcast.com/make Sure, by the way, if you are an email template owner, you will automatically receive this email to your course. Check the show notes for the link. I can remember my first buyer checklist had like six things on it. I’ve had a lot of learn from me learn for me. You don’t own the back 30 feet of your yard. Oh, that’s a lot. Because it’s going to be a parking lot for a new retail shopping center. Wait Come interview the dog like do you really have to do you will fall in love with the dog. We’re not gonna go see this house because you can’t have chickens. Hi, y’all. Welcome to hustle humbly. It’s Alyssa and Katie and we are to top producing realtors in the Baton Rouge market.

We work for two different companies where we should be competitors. But we have chosen community over competition. The goal of our podcasts is to encourage you to find your own way in business to stop comparing yourself and start embracing your strengths. Hi, Alisa. Hey, Katie. How are you? I’m doing great. Great. Today is episode 191. And we’re going to talk about doing your due diligence.

Shall we start with the story I

love when you start with us that inspired this episode, please. That’s the best kind of episode. So let’s hear the story.

You know, learn from what we go through online the daily because we are realtors that actually work and are in the grind with you every day every day. Okay, so once upon a time. Recently, I had a listing that was primarily stucco. Okay. Very large stucco home. Okay. And I noticed when I went for the listing appointment that you know, there were some areas of the stucco that would need some repair. So we had a licensed and insured stucco company come out and made certain repairs for the list before we listed active Okay, mostly the back of the house, okay. The front of the house still had some things but we didn’t notice them until after we power washed and I was like, well, we’ll you know, we’ll see how a home inspection goes. We need to get this thing on the market. Okay, this can just be negotiated during inspections. Love it. So on the property disclosure, my seller had noted that several years ago, they had termites under their dining room window that their termite company came out treated. And he had it under contract. He never voided his contract. It was still under contract continuous. Just continuous. Yeah, for over 10 years as a matter of fact. So we have termites under the dining room window several years ago, fine, great. We have a termite contract, they came they fixed they left, right, he kept up the renewal. Okay. He even said after that happened, I was kind of OCD about he was worried, yes. Like this can happen to anyone, especially in Louisiana. So that’s what happened. So we listed the home, had the property disclosure all there. The buyer’s agent did about 10% due diligence in this transaction.

Okay, about 10% of anything. Yeah,

it was it was very unfortunate. I did most of it. Okay. He the things that were asked for me to do on behalf of the his client, the buyer, I’ve never had an agent asked me to do their things. Okay. But obviously, we need to get to the closing table. So I handled the majority of the transaction. But there were times where I said no, this is something you have to do. No, I will not attend the home inspection. You will do that. He wanted

you to go to the inspection. Yes. Why? What was the reasoning?

i He just thought he just I mean, I did everything else. So like, I don’t want to go

Can I ask a side question? Yeah. Did he have another job? No. Just didn’t want to do this one.

Correct. Okay. You would think call the broker, he’s the broker. It was a very, that’s always how many times we told that I would have 100% called a broker in this situation, but he was the broker. Right? And so my goal was to just stay kind. And I did not make my seller aware of any of the struggles I was having because they didn’t involve him. It was not necessary. I was going to handle it and get us to the closing table. Okay. So he even asked me who I use for my home inspector. I gave my home inspector Great. And he scheduled and I told him he can meet the whole spec he asked me to meet. I said no. Anyway, long story short, the stucco was flagged. And so we had a licensed and insured stucco company come out to give an estimate. The initial estimate came back at $13,000. Okay. We I sent the quote to the buyer, and the buyer wanted to meet the stucco company at the house, which I thought was an excellent idea on the buyers behalf. Right. The they met the stucco company and some of the things that he had quoted as a repair the buyer was like, I know you can repair that, but I want it replaced. Okay, so new quote came back at 20,000. Okay. We agreed and moved forward. So we had an agreement that we are not doing any of this, we’re giving you money, we’re giving you money and you will handle that on your own after closing, right. So, everything is fine. And then after closing, I get a call from frantic agent saying that when the second company removed the stucco, it was full of termites, like active staff, active termite Oh my that because of the nature of stucco. Really, nobody could have seen this right? The inspector could not have seen it. You don’t have to go company did not see this. Right. And not that it matters. But this agent did not have a termite inspection. Now my inspector said honestly, yes, he should have but this would not have been found. Okay, this would not have been found until the stucco was ripped off. Okay. So the damage came out to be closer to like 80 to $90,000. Whoa, yeah. Big. But again, this happens. Yes, we did nothing wrong. No, nobody. Well, I, me and my seller did nothing wrong. The buyer did nothing wrong. The list, the buyer’s agent did not do a great job of explaining to his buyer that this is now your house. Right? You can’t in Louisiana, we are as is you cannot return it. Right. There is no fraud. He he started getting very defensive. And somewhat. I don’t want to say ugly, but just like saying things like you’re the real estate professional and you’re supposed to fix this.

No, no, you’re the real estate professional. And you were supposed to advise your client of what their what their choices are.

Right. Right. And so it just became this big. Again, I kept I told I kept my seller informed, but he is really not involved in that. Now. I said Mr. Agent, my seller did everything he was supposed to do. Right. He disclosed that he wants upon a time had termites several years ago, he did what he was supposed to do by keeping his termite contract up to date. Right. And that’s all that anybody can do. You had a home inspection. This was a surprise. I’m very sorry, right? Your buyers did not ask us to make the repairs. Everyone on your end was okay with an allowance. It just is what it is, you know, right. So, what it came down to the reason that they were so upset is because apparently whatever policy, my seller had didn’t cover cert, like the warranty that does the termite cover the termite the warranty that this particular termite contract offered, was not great, right. And so it’s not covering a lot. So what brought this to my attention is that I’ve had many situations with termite contracts or a seller will accidentally fill out a property disclosure saying yes, I have a termite contract, when it’s actually a pest control contract and never covered termites. Okay. So are we as agents and you know, it’s hard because our lists, you can’t cover everything, right. But it seems that this is a recurring problem, which is why we are dedicating a whole episode to it right off things that you should be doing during your due diligence period, besides just say home inspection, right? Perhaps in this situation, when you see that a seller has a termite contract, and previous termite and previous term or maybe you should call the termite company, make sure the account is in good standing. It does in fact, cover termites get a copy of the warranty what does it cover right mitt like really look into instead of just taking the word right

and or you don’t have to do that as an agent. This episode I think is going to be important for consumers as well. Yes. The consumer is the one making the purchase at the end of the day. Yes, your agent should be your advocate and should be helping and guiding you. But if you need to know certain things, it’s really on you during that due diligence period to find them out. So there’s no reason why I ran that buyer couldn’t have called that termite company and asked those questions.

100%. So my seller, when I asked if he knew he was like, No, I mean, I called a company to get under contract. I didn’t know that there’s different levels or Nope, nothing was ever up sold to me that I declined. I just agreed I had them treat the house, place it under contract and have kept it under contract ever since. Because

as consumers, there are lots of things that we assume, correct, right? Like, oh, well, that’s everyone does at the same site, you know, termite

contracts, so everything is covered, right, but not all termite companies are the same. They don’t all offer structural damages. They don’t all offer certain warranties. And so understanding like, what are you actually getting with certain things, and the only time you really have to find that out is during your due diligence?

is ever a problem until it’s a problem? Correct? Right.

And that is what every time there’s a problem. The To Do list of things we need to be checking gets longer. I mean, I can remember my first buyer checklist had like six things on it.

Now you’re like, Oh, yes, or running? Or has a

million things to check? Right? Let’s talk about some of those things. So

the point is, we’re going to focus in on not when things happen after closing, we’re going to actually talk about that in a coming episode. But what should you as a consumer and an agent be doing during that due diligence period? And I would like to start by saying, what is the due diligence period? Well, when you write a contract, there’s some amount of time locally, we call it the inspection period. And I

know because of this, I am trying to get out of calling it the inspection period and calling it the due diligence period, because some people think, well, you have your home inspection, and then you’re done. And that’s it. I did my home inspection yet, but like, Did you check the schools? Did you check your insurance? Did you check your mouth, right? No, we’re gonna go over all of this of the whole list besides a home inspection, right? So

your due diligence means you are learning about the property and all the things you need to know to make an informed purchase. And that period of time ends, not at closing sometime far before closing likely locally, it’s usually what 1014 days, something in that neighborhood is standard, right? Okay, so maybe you have 10 days, that’s when you have to check everything, because after the 10 days, as long as your loan is approved, and your appraisal is good, there really are not outs for you, unless you go to walk through and something traumatic has happened, you can’t just say Nevermind, I found out x and I don’t want to move forward.

I recently had a situation I’ve had a lot of situations. Learn from me learn from me, where I had the listing, and it was four days before closing. And I got a call from the buyer’s agent who was delightful. She was very professional, and just matter of fact, and her client is doing something wrong. And she’s not trying to defend him. She’s just trying to keep it very factual. So she said, my buyer would like me to type up a cancellation. I’m going to check the box that says financing, but I have to be honest with you, like his financing was not denied. He just was not happy with his final monthly note. He just in the beginning took the word of what the you know, just said approved, approved Gray, great. And then four days before closing when it’s the real deal, and you get your final numbers. And he went, Oh my gosh, I don’t know that I want to do this. Right. And she said, You know, I advised him of the potential things that could happen that the seller could sue for, you know, 10 in our in our purchase agreement in Louisiana. It’s 10% default penalty, right? Or, or to do the thing, which is buy the house right or force you to buy the home. That’s called specific performance. Yes. And so she said, you know, he’s just gonna take that risk, and I said, the seller will sue him. Uh huh. And so I said, I want you to do me a favor. This is happening of course at eight o’clock at night. And when you get to when you get a text like this, you stop what you’re doing. And you make some phone calls because my seller had just finished moving out that weekend. That’s the worst. It was terrible. My stomach hurt and I knew I had to handle this. This is someone’s life. And so I told her on the phone I said I need you to do me a favor. I need you to call your buyer and tell him it is not a risk. I will make sure he is sued, if I have to help pay for it, I will, I will make sure it happens. This is not a risk, this is a guarantee. And I’m not going to make any phone calls to my seller, I want you to have this conversation with your buyer fix it and let him know that this is not if it is a when he gets served with papers on Monday, the battle begins and it is going to cost more than this monthly note will. So I want you to have that discussion with your buyer. And she was like, honestly, I just want to say thank you for that’s kind of what I needed to hear, you know, like you for that was thank you for that response. Because well, because

you are giving her permission to use you as the way to say to him, this isn’t okay, and I have to keep moving. And we can’t just change our minds, right?

Because she was telling him this is not okay. And this is what you could be like, I don’t care. And he’s like, Yeah, well, I doubt you know, my, my dad says the likelihood of them doing that is very low. And I’m like, It’s not though, I will make sure 100% I’ll make it 100%. So I got a call the next morning with a week long extension in my email, okay, because we do have to do an extension because he had told his lender to stop, stop everything off the presses. Stop it, stop it. You know, we have to get the CD out all of this. So she said I just want to let you know my buyer will be moving forward. Great. I said wonderful. So I called my seller. Okay. I said good news, bad news. The bad news is we are not closing on Friday. Right? But it’s okay. Because we are closing okay. And 12 hours ago, we weren’t insurance like why I was like I’d have take a deep breath. Right, fine. So I kind of just ran through the situation with her and she was like, okay, okay, great. Well, I’ll be there next week.

Great. The end the end, that’s all I have we closed,

we closed this week, okay,

I’m still holding my breath a little like, I really need this person to show up.

Again, you should know your total monthly note in any of your financing conditions

during your due diligence period, not four days before closing, not a week before closing, when you have the option to cancel, which is only during your due diligence period. So you can’t start researching things. Host your 1014 days, however long it is. I also wanted to mention the interesting thing about commercial deals, the due diligence, and they always use the term due diligence, right? That due diligence period could be months, because they have to research zoning and you know all certainly Yeah, so things street things and parking things and I mean, they’re researching a permit huge things. So those are WAY longer transactions because they are due diligence periods are WAY longer. They’re just doing deeper dives into a lot of all kinds of things. Sure. Okay. So let’s go through with what people automatically think when they hear due diligence or inspection period, you’ve already touched on it. Basically, they think we’re gonna have inspections. So can you list for me some of the inspections that are kind of basic.

So you have your general home inspection that checks everything in our market, a termite inspection is a good idea, we get what’s called a wood Destroying Insect report, right? If the house is on a septic tank, you may need a private sewer inspection. If it is on private water, you may need a well inspected a water test like

our state requires those I think Correct, right. Okay, so that’s like the basics. Yeah,

I’ve had clients asked me before the general home inspection, should we get a Mold Test? Yes. And I’m like, Well, we have this first inspection. And if he sees something that leads us to more right we go that route at that time,

right. So I basically listed the deeper dive and I had mold foundation. So like if something is flagged during your inspection, and you need to know more, look, here’s the bottom line of this. No house is perfect. Whether it’s brand new or 100 years old, and no house is typically in irreparable damage. So even if it has mold, a foundation issue, a roof problem an AC issue, you can fit houses are fixable,

and that’s a very good point because I have had people ask what happens if it fails inspection so many times? I’m like, wow, you can’t fail. No, there is no failing do the inspection unless it’s like a new construction and the city won’t allow a permit until something is done. Right. Okay. Otherwise if it’s a resale it’s up to you. Yeah. I have failed in your eyes. Right. Right. You may have changed your mind is

a it is a What are you comfortable with? As a buyer? What can you handle? Some people are super handy and they’re like, this isn’t A big deal. And some people are like, every little thing is like the end of the world, right? I had a home inspector early in my career who said, If I don’t find anything in the home inspection, it is free. And he said, I’ve been doing this X number of years and zero inspections have been free. Wow. And on that way, something in the day that he told us that he had only found like two things, and one was like a loose cabinet door. Okay, like it was so minor. But he was like, if there’s nothing, this thing is free. So they’re not you have to remember to your home inspector is not there to tell you great things about the house there are there to give you an objective opinion of what the standards are in whatever area you are of what’s required of them to check. Yes. And

we do have to we have two or three inspection episodes that we’ll share on our Instagram this week. If you want to go back Yeah, and dive deeper into the inspection process we even interviewed and inspect. Yes, we should. So we have a deeper dive. So we’ll post those on Instagram, if you want to write follow them as an

agent, it is your responsibility to explain to your buyer before the inspection happens that the list may be long houses aren’t perfect. All of these things can be fixed. You have to set the tone before or else you’re going to be dealing with a lot of cancellations during that due diligence. Right, right. Okay, next up, we’re going to talk about termite a little bit longer. You kind of covered all of this. But during that due diligence, I’m going to tell you a story. Okay? Did you when you got your license, because I know there’s a little bit of time between us did the seller use to provide the termite inspection.

We were just transitioning away from that. Okay, so I will

tell you, when I started, the way the Louisiana contract was written was the seller was responsible to provide a termite inspection, you know, the wood Destroying Insect report that certificate at closing, at closing. They did not have to show it to you before they could find termites and treat it and get a good one. Not a problem, not a problem. And most loans at that time because it was in the contract, required that termite certificate to close. Can I tell you how many frantic closings we went to? Oh my god, did somebody get the termite? Oh, you didn’t? Oh, we gotta go. Termite inspectors are running like chickens with their heads cut off all the time, always urgent, because you needed a termite certificate to close. Okay. And it was a term of the loan that was met at closing. So there was that share ID there was no three days before you knew like there’s a chance not having that termite report could delay a closing? Yeah, okay. Yeah. Now, then it transitioned in our contract to say basically, inspections are on the buyer, whatever ones they want, do they want a home inspection, a termite inspection, a roof, what? Radon? Whatever it is in your area, those are here. Now it’s, that’s all on you. Correct. So many agents were very resistant to that, because they were used to the

old way, this is how it’s always been done. We need to I was even told if you ever get a contract from someone where they ask the seller to provide the termite certificate, you know that they are either old school or are working to an old company, right company. Yeah, that still believes that’s the way and it’s like, this hasn’t been the way for several years. The thing about

it is when we look at it under the terms of due diligence and taking advantage of that time period to know for sure you want to buy this house. The fact of the matter is, you want to be in control of that as the buyer, you want to know if they’re termites, you want to see their contract, you want to do that termite inspection. You don’t want to wait for the seller to tell you Yeah, it’s okay. I mean, there were termites, but here’s a certificate saying they’re gone now. Well, you can’t

ask for more repairs, then you may want to talk to that company yourself, right? You need

to be in control of all of your inspections, I would never want the seller to be in charge of any of my inspections as a buyer. Correct. Okay, so that’s the deal with termites. Again, you’ve already mentioned, if they do have a what’s called a termite contract, you would want to then maybe tell the buyer, hey, you might want to get a copy, you might want to call XYZ pest company and just see what it covers. You might want to know that it doesn’t cover damages. If the wall gets eaten up. The contract only covers them getting rid of the bugs, like getting rid of the termites is the end of it.

So I was actually under contract. I listed a house in November, and we got a buyer at the beginning of January to close in March. Okay. The property disclosure that the seller filled out said that the termite contract ended in January, okay, so January 31, was 2023 termite contract has ended right? I was super impressed because the buyer’s agent emailed me and in February and said, Hey, I just wanted to check with you. I see the property disclosure states that the termite contracted ended in January. I just want to make sure that your seller renewed it. Okay. Wow. And I thought day talk to you your due diligence. Well on top of it monitoring yes things. So I messaged my seller who said, Oh, actually did I have it on automatic renewal until I don’t own the house anymore. So she sent me a new copy. And everything was good, but I was just very impressed by that agent. Yeah,

very good. The other thing to remember about termite contracts like that, they transfer with the house, not with the person. So you just have to closing if you’ve inherited one, you call and put it in your name, you’re good to go. I have another story about termites for you. And the promise, yeah, we’ll

get a whole get on. This is not my episode, but they’re a big deal. Clearly, we

needed a whole termite episode. Okay, so this was five years ago, it showed up in my memories on my phone today. Oh, my God, I had semi forgotten. I’m like, perfect timing. So during my inspection, I had the buyer were buying an older home, they have regular inspection, and they have a termite inspection. Even though this house was under termite contract, because I tell all of my buyers, you need to do this. If you don’t do this, it’s on you. But I’m telling you, you need to do it. During the termite inspection, there’s evidence of termites found, okay, in the front of the house, there’s like a little tunnel or dirt or whatever it is. And then there’s some pinholes up high in one of the bedrooms, so pinholes mean that the termites have come all the way up the the wall and like poked their little whatever out into the room, right? Yeah, yeah. So we’re like, my clients are like, Whoa, how do we know how long they’ve been here? I mean, the house has been under contract, but they’re still here. Right? Right. We asked the seller if they it was vacant, thankfully. Can we open the wall as part of our inspection we need to see in the wall because we can’t we can see they’ve gone up high. And we don’t know if they’re still there. What the damages, we need to open the wall. They allowed us to open the wall. Whoa, or the inspection and I have a photo of the wall for you.

Oh my gosh. Oh,

can you see how the termites have gone? All the way up? Okay, so y’all I

know many tunnels. I don’t think I don’t think you’ll

see it. Okay, but I’ll blast it later. So there are basically termites have eaten into all of the studs in this whole bedroom wall. And you could see where the the dirt and the tunnels go up like the insulation. Well, I mean, it wasn’t bad, but it looks terrible. Okay, it looks really scary. So they had to get a contractor to come and check the structure. Everything was fine. It looks worse than it is. We got rid of the termite. We checked all the studs, everything was still structurally sound. We close up the wall, the seller closed it back up, and we proceeded to closing. But if we hadn’t done the termite inspection and just took the word of Oh, you’re under contract, okay. Those things would have stayed there and just kept on go into town eating the whole house. Yes. Wow. Yes. Okay. So that’s the end of termites.

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The next thing we’re going to move on to which is locally an issue is foundation repair.

So I had this on my list, you have a story I recently so I have a buyer under contract right now. And the House has had foundation repair. My buyer had a lot of questions about is the warranty transferable? What if you know what is entailed in this? And so I felt like in this situation, my buyer should call the foundation company, right? I do a lot of things on behalf of my clients. But if it’s something like this where they have specific questions or concerns, I don’t want to be the source of information. Oh, this is a big deal.

Yeah, cuz also you’re not the foundation company Correct. Or a foundation expert.

And I don’t want to call them and Miss relay a message or ask further questions and have to call back. Right. So I did put that on him to understand. Is there a fee turns out there was $125 fee associated with transferring the warranty? Oh, and if it’s not done, then if you have an issue you are not covered? Why right you can’t figure that out when you don’t have an issue the problem too late. Okay, so we in our inspection response, ask the seller to pay that fee because it was a part of the transfer. Perfect on that note. A lot of window companies also have a fee to transfer a window warranty. into the name of someone new. Okay, so anything that comes with a warranty call that company and say, Is there a charge? What is that process? The foundation company needed the act of cash sale once we close? Oh, wow, all these things, you know, but I wanted my buyer who had a lot of questions to ask those questions

and be comfortable at the closing. Yeah. Okay, great. The other interesting thing about foundations that I learned, not the hard way, but along the way, if a part of a foundation is repaired, that repair is warranted. Yeah, they’re not doing a warranty on the whole foundation. And another part of the foundation could have a problem, and you would have to pay to have it repaired. So just saying, Oh, it’s Foundation was poor, repaired and it’s under warranty is actually not accurate. That repair of that part of the foundation is under warranty, the rest of it can be moving around. Sure. And not covered, not covered. Okay, so we’re gonna move on from that. Next up, let’s talk about new homes. Okay, locally, we have new home warranties that are state required, correct. Okay, so the builder has to provide this warranty

is her the new home warranty act in Louisiana,

I do not know what it is. In other states. I’m sure most builders provide some sort of warranty. But as a buyer and an agent, you need to find out what that is

during your due diligence. And you need to send

the warranty information to the buyer during that time so that they can read what it’s going to cover. So for us, there are different time periods, like you know, is it a year for pretty much everything, most everything I’m new construction is covered, then it’s five years for structure. So if in year seven, you have a structural issue, it is no longer the problem of the builder. So you need to know what it’s covering. How long does it last? Read it

right as the buyer,

you really need to read it.

I noticed in my first house that I ever bought, it was a newer home, I was the second owner, and I bought it when it was three years old. Okay, per the new home warranty act at that time, it was five year foundation. Okay. I noticed after like a year of living there that one side of the house that probably needed gutters and was holding water more than it should have the brick was starting to crack. And I thought okay, I don’t know that I’m going to do anything about this yet. Right? I looked up the new home warranty act and remembered, okay, I have until this date to figure out because after this date, it’s on me before this date, it’s on the builder, right. But I needed to know that date. Yeah. So I put it in my calendar to read. I just kept rechecking it. And then like six months before I was like, Okay, I feel like it is getting worse. Okay, so I called the builder who sent out the foundation company and made the repair. Perfect. But if I would have just kept putting it off, you could have waited six more months. And then they would be like, Oh, I’m sorry, it expired last week, right? Nothing you can do

no, no nothing. I have buyers right now getting a pretty major repair done on a three year old home that again, stuck out and we’re going to talk about that in another episode. But it was within their warranty. And although they are, you know, obviously it’s an aggravation. And I’m like, listen, the win here is that your builder showed up and handled this. Because there are builders that are no longer in business, don’t have the money to do it, even if they wanted to help you, or just don’t or non responsive, don’t care, they’ll let you sue them. So the fact that they showed up and are making this pretty major repair is a win. I mean, no house is perfect. No house is going to stay perfect. And that’s the other thing you have to teach your buyers. It’s not going to be perfect. Now and then on the day of the inspection, the AC might be working great. And three weeks after closing the AC may fail, right? This is not because the inspector was negligent in most cases. Right? Right. Okay, like, sure there’s a chance but these things happen. These things happen.

And I think like if you’re buying a new house and you’re in your due diligence period, put those dates in your phone wants to say okay, anything going on with the roof, anything going on with the major components of the home? Yeah, so that you know when to check,

right? I think that’s a great idea. Okay, let’s go move on from inspections and problems to things like a survey. Okay. Okay. So tell people about a survey. Do you tell your clients to get a survey?

I don’t in Louisiana, they are not required in in some of our older parts of town that are 100 years old, and you have layers of fencing and servitudes. If I have if I hear a buyer say, Oh, I don’t know. I wonder where the property line is. I’m like, You need a survey. You need a survey. And it’s funny because even in my email template, I went back can add it in the, you’re under contract email, you may want to have a survey you may not It’s not required, it’s up to you if you feel like there’s something with the property that you’re not sure about now is the time. And so that has been added recently, not necessarily because I had any problems, but to avoid practice to avoid problems. And then when I bought my cabin in Tennessee, this particular I don’t know if it’s all of Tennessee, or just my particular because I was in a mountain, right. And they were that my loan required a survey. Okay. And I enjoyed looking at it after I got it, right. I was like, Oh, this is interesting. Like, it goes all the way to the road. And I didn’t realize that. Okay. So now I do, add it as a recommendation. Okay.

All right. So there are some things I think you would want to look out for as the agent when you’re there that might flag you to say you need a survey. Okay. All right signs of a servitude, and what would be a sign of a servitude, a power or a phone or some type of cable box, like the box that comes up on the side of the house, the front yard, wherever there’s a box somewhere that belongs to a utility, then probably there’s a servitude associated. Right, right. Also, if there are power lines that go next to the property behind the property in close proximity, not from the line to the house, but the actual lines that go from house to house. That’s probably a servitude, you might need to know where is your line? What part is your responsibility? Can you put a fence there? Can you not? These are all survey questions. And then the drainage here is a big one, if you show a house, and the back fence is there, and then there’s some sort of ditch canal space. And then the next back neighbor, is there a fence is there like there’s basically an alley between the two fences? This is likely some type of servitude, like what is it? Who’s going to access it? You might want to know and you might want to get a survey. I think that’s all that’s all I have about. More. Okay, go on.

So I had a situation where a client backed up to railroad tracks. Oh, okay. It was actually in a really cute part of town. And when the railroad went through, it went really slow because it was so close to the houses, okay. And some people even had ladders where they like gave the real guy snacks as he passed. So that’s it was cute. It was cute. That’s really cute. Even though it can also be a nuisance, but I’m in a situation well, they got served a letter years later basically stating you don’t own the back 30 feet of your your yard a lot because the railroad servitude is X amount of feet around the railroad track. Oh, wow. But this fence this yard has been fenced in for decades. Okay, the life dimensions include that part, that part. So it was a whole thing. We had to get it figured out. Okay. The second thing was if you back up to like a creek or something, I had a situation where I seller got so they they backed up to a creek. That was I don’t know if it was theirs or who it was when they bought the house. There was a deck that went out over the creek, okay. They don’t own that creek. Okay, right. They got a letter? Well, the whole neighborhood got a letter that whoever does own that creek is going to be basically adding in a drainage and covering it because it’s going to be a parking lot for a new retail shopping center.

Oh, wait. It was a creek that people literally put a deck on and like, enjoyed. Yes. And then it was gonna become a parking lot. Yep. Oh, my tear

bird. It was terrible. Now they got enough resistance in the neighborhood rallied together and fought it, but she still had to remove her deck. Okay, so that happened. I had a buyer that was buying out in St. Gabriel, a little bit more of a rural place outside of Baton Rouge. Who wanted a survey. And the title attorney said, well, sometimes there’s just the old survey on file. Oh, and I was like, oh, yeah, apparently there’s lots of surveys on file. Okay. This particular subdivision, okay had a survey from when it was developed. So you could it was the whole subdivision, but you could zoom in on your specific lot. Got it. So technically, you have a survey, okay, of your home. It’s just part of the whole this, this survey, had all these lines all over it. And I was like, What is this? I do not understand what this is. And she’s like, Oh, they’re pipelines. And I’m like, is that bad? She’s like, depends. It wouldn’t bother me. Would it bother you? It doesn’t bother any of the people that live here they probably don’t even know. But technically, the subdivision was built over a pipeline pipelines several several different connecting pipelines. Yeah. My buyer cancelled. She just was like, totally freaked out. out I know I mean I’ve sold many houses in that neighborhood since and I have always told them this story of just uh you know, because I know this there are pipeline

houses in the neighborhood right? Yeah. Okay, well great interesting that you would bring that one up pipelines everywhere that same neighborhood that you’re talking about because I know what it is an agent in my last office was involved in a lawsuit because her buyer bought in there and then later discovered there was a pipeline that pipeline yes and was trying to like was doing all this research about health problems and yes this and that and honestly I need to go follow up and see what happened but he had been researching the buyer as he lived in the house for a couple of years just became

obsessed with was obsessed with it my buyer when she found out they were pipeline she’s like, well what is in the pipeline? Is it a gas is it a liquid like wow, this look right? Yeah, what is in the pipeline? Because that might determine if I feel comfortable or not, how deep is it right I want a pool someday, right? Can I have a pool? Or will this pipeline prevent me from having a pool? Yeah, all these things have to be answered if you if this is a deal breaker for you. It has to be figured out during your due diligence and doing your due diligence due diligence Yeah, that is the time that it has to be done.

Okay, right right. So many things next up on things you need to check during your due diligence your insurance Alyssa why why would we want to check our insurance during due diligence

because if it comes back higher than you were expecting, thus making your monthly note higher than you were expecting, if you are still approved for the loan, you have to buy it

right. And it can be like really a lot higher than you thought a lot higher. So locally in our area, we have to be aware everyone everywhere needs homeowners insurance, right? This is normal your lender is gonna require it it’s gonna cover things like fire and you know,

whatever natural disasters wind hail, maybe maybe, yeah, maybe depending on your policy, you have to figure this out during your doodle water damage

from a pipe and all these things right, you need your your lender is going to make you get homeowners insurance. Here, there are many areas that require then flood insurance. And every place is in a flood zone and flood zone X locally doesn’t require flood insurance, but you could still get it and if you want to get it, you better find out how much it is during your due diligence. So

this is a recent change in our market. And again, this is a reminder that as Realtors we need to stay up to date with changes, right? Because before 2022 If you were in flood zone x, which means flood insurance is not required, but it is still a flood zone. All of Louisiana is a flood zone. Okay, I don’t know if it’s like that every I’m sure it is I’m sure every place has a zone of sorts, I would think anyways, x is not required. So before 2022 If you were in x, it was kind of the same number. You wanted voluntary flood insurance, you paid X amount. Yeah, it was like 400 or 400. Yeah, for 404 50. It was always in the fours in the fours. Okay, pretty much the same. Now, as of 2022, they changed it to where every house is different. Yeah, it could be $1,000 $2,000 $300 $200. Yeah. If you’re in flood zone x, it doesn’t matter. It varies depending on the house. Yeah. So even though it’s not required, if you want to carry it you need to know what that number is during your

weekly one amount. Right. Interesting thing about that time frame when they changed at my house that that we are literally sitting in right now to record Okay, is in flood zone A II what’s so right. So flood insurance is required. I did not know now, we’re not going to dive deep into flood insurance. But I could have gotten a low a letter and gotten a map amendment because they built up the neighborhood. So although it is inside of that zone A II it is high enough that I could probably say I did not need flood insurance, but I’m like, You know what, this kind of holds my feet to the fire and makes me get it and I know that I should have it. And it was always 600 bucks. It had gone up a little every year 500 600 Because we’re high. So even though it was a II it was 680 bucks, I think at last count and then when they changed the rules went down. Oh good. 382 That’s I have never seen flood insurance that cheap because even in the non required zones, it would be like in the pores. Right? Right. So it was like Well, that’s right because they’re looking at your elevation like they’re taking more things into account. Now when they give you your flood insurance amounts point is you need to know do you want flood insurance? Do you need flood insurance? And how much is that going to cost? Because it can vary wildly, like in the New Orleans area, I can’t even some places are like 1000s of dollars. Yeah. 1000s. So it is important for your buyers to know what type of insurance is allowed in your area. I mean, like, what do you have there? Earthquakes? I don’t know.

So at my recent inspection, the one the inspector was telling me that many insurance companies are requiring what’s now called a four point inspection. So when he does his inspection, he includes a separate PDF, in case you need the four point inspect, what

are the four points?

I don’t remember? I would love to Okay, I think you I know for sure he had to take it. Like in the roof section, it requires certain pictures of the vents of if it has gables, like, but they need certain photos. Yeah, okay. Otherwise, if you don’t have this inspection, they have to send out the insurance company. This used to not be as big of a deal, but now insurance companies are requiring it. I know he had to do some things with the AC and water heater and the foundation. Okay. But I’m not sure what all it was. But I thought that’s very interesting. Because, again, if they won’t quote you, right, until you have that, right, you, you, it’s almost like the second year under contract, you need to be shopping for insurance. Yeah. Because it could be a lengthy process of what they need, right? And if you can ask what they need before your home inspectors going, you could tell your home inspector, hey, my insurance company needs this and this to quote me, can we get that today? While you’re in the attic?

Yeah. And not every house is approved? For insurance. Correct. So you and that doesn’t mean there won’t be anyone who could provide insurance, it just may be very, very, very expensive. Right? Right. So they there is what’s called a clue report. So if your the home you’re purchasing has had insurance claims, they’re recorded in like a database that can be looked up insurance agents, when they go to get your insurance, quote, are going to see the history of that house. And that stays with the house, whether it was with this seller or a previous owner or whatever. So that could happen. The roof is usually the biggest one for sure. They’re like, we’re not going to approve this, this roof is too old. I’ve had several transactions over my career where the seller had to replace the roof while before the buyer could buy because it was too old, some old damage. Maybe it wasn’t even leaking at that point, or the buyer didn’t care, but the insurance wouldn’t be approved.

And here’s the thing, if the insurance isn’t approved, the financing could get denied right deal over

Yeah, you have to have insurance if you have a loan. The other one is the water heater age. This has become a problem. It feels like in the last few years, some insurance companies are like, Oh, your water heater is working fine. But it’s 40 years old, no not doing it, we’re not going to do it. So that’s something to think about as well. And then I wanted to talk about timing issues on insurance. We have so many fun, interesting things we have to deal with here. But if there is a named storm that enters the Gulf of Mexico, could Tropical Storm hurricane, if it is named, and it rolls into the Gulf of Mexico. Insurance is no longer going to be bonded, which means insurance. If you’re closing tomorrow, and the storm is way far away, and everyone’s like it’s never gonna even hit here. It doesn’t matter if it is named. There is a hole your insurance cannot be bonded. So I cannot tell you how many times I got this email from my broker. Hey, there’s a tropical depression coming. If you have a closing next week, make sure your buyers have gotten their insurance bonded, which means it’s like secured. It’s ready to

go. Right. Okay. Otherwise, you may have to do an extension until the storm passes. Right. And you have to get a new policy. Wait,

I had one last year that was like, well, the storm has passed it hit let’s call it Alabama. I don’t even remember it wasn’t even here. It was hours away. And they would not finish our transaction until someone from the insurance company came and inspected the house and I’m like I this is not acceptable. Right. It was not here. Yes. It didn’t come here and we had to fight it. I believe we had to do some serious fighting before they would say Okay, fine.

And again, the insurance struggles that we’re experiencing as a country right now are everywhere. And they are changing how they do business and it is time consuming. So your due diligence period includes finalizing all of that right? I tell my clients after this 10 days, the only thing that should be left is the appraisal right the first 10 days are full I need you checking your email responding to lenders title companies like we have a lot to do. Yeah, so stay on top of it and then after that, we can close the rabbit

agree Last thing on insurance if you’re buying a condo or a townhome, and there’s some sort of insurance policy for the outside or whatever it may be or the common area, you really need to take

a look at that. And along with that, Hoa, yeah, what are the HOA dues? Right? What does it cover? Well, I thought that they covered the roof. Well, did you know that? No, you can assume nothing during your due diligence period. This is your time for you to review your restrictions I had. It wasn’t my client. It was another agent. But I had a friend whose client bought a condo, only to find out that the complex does not allow you to have pets over 50 pounds. Yeah, that’s pretty serious. It was in Yes. And they had a dog that is like family that was well over 50 pounds. And it was a huge issue. What did they do? They begged and pleaded with the HOA please come meet the dog. Come interview the dog, like you have to do will fall in love with the dog. He’s gentle. He’s old. He doesn’t bite he doesn’t chew. He doesn’t pee inside. Doesn’t matter. This is the ratio a restriction? Yes, yes. So she hit it as long as she could. But then she got reported. And I don’t know really how it ended. But, but these are the things. I have a client right now that wants chickens. Okay. And they want chickens in their yard. And you we have had to pour through H O. I pour through HRA rules before showings. Yeah, because I know we’re not going to go see this house because you can’t have chickens. Yeah. And you want chickens. Right? So this is a no, right. Right.

Right. That’s so funny. Other things on when you’re looking at your HOA restrictions, because you know, a lot of them are so strict in like a complex, right a condo or a townhome. But even if you’re in a neighborhood with restrictions, they’ll have things like you can’t park on the street, you can’t park an RV or a boat or a trailer in your driveway. Like if your client has a car or a third car or fourth car that they need to put on the road every day, they’re going to be pretty upset if they keep getting reported having to pay fines or being told they can’t do something that they need to do, right because they didn’t look at the restrictions before. So it was so important to study those restrictions. Can you have a pool? Can you have a place that what do you need? You better look into that before it’s too late? Because it’s not in those are going to be legal battles that you likely won’t win. Correct? You know, the rules are the rules. Right? Okay, I think that’s Is that all you had for HOA? Oh, the other one I thought about restrictions. They’re also like deed restrictions. So I’ve had a client who bought on a more rural piece of property, but this particular section of the town was restricted to one house per acre. Okay, and they wanted to put a house for their parents like a guest house. Oh, you see, yes, when they put out yet you couldn’t there were some little loopholes like ways to finagle it but it was important to know you can’t just build two or three houses here even though they’re all for family and we’re on property that no that wasn’t there was restrictions on that property. Yeah,

like the lot in my neighbor. So I’m not in the neighborhood. I’m just on a rural street and they’re all acre and a half lots and whenever they were subdivided restrictions were placed that whoever buys the slot, the house has to have a front porch. Oh, I love that because they want all of them to have a consistent Acadian look to them. Okay, and so from if you drive down my street we all have front porches Oh, but if you are anti front porches for some reason, I don’t know who would be really wired garage and you really want your garage and you didn’t know that and you bought this lot What are you gonna do surprise Yeah, when the builder goes to apply for permits, he’s gonna find it

and do this. Yeah, it’s so important to know what you can and cannot do. Okay, next up schools. Do you think you’ll ever have children? No, do you like have children now? Do you want them to go to a specific school you need to check the lines during your due diligence Where where is the school? Where are the lines and be advised lines can change.

I was just about to say so I live in Prairieville. And we it is you know used to be rural now. It’s booming. Yeah. And there has been so many new schools and the lines are constantly changing. Yeah. So even if you buy a house for this specific school, you could get transferred if a new school opens or a redraw the lines to help keep the classroom sizes small. But I again that is something I don’t tell my clients Hey, this is in the school district you want never never. Because if that changes or you’re wrong, you are getting sued. Yeah, I

don’t. Yes. You have to go the School Board website. Here you go.

Yeah, maybe research what’s upcoming, right what This got what is there new schools in the talk? Is there a timeframe on these things?

I have a client that wants to move out of the school zone he is in now. And there is a new school being built nearby. And he’s like, how do we know what that one’s going to cover? I’m like, you don’t not right now try looking on the school board website. But it’s he says it won’t be released until like six months from now like, well, these are like governmental issues, right. But you can try to call your like, Councilman, I don’t like, I don’t know how you would find out. You just have to wait.

But when it’s something that is specifically important to that buyer, it’s really on them to do that research, right? To make sure and to kind

of go through your mind. What if it doesn’t work out the way you want it to? Like, what are those consequences? What’s going to happen? Will you have to sell like, we need to know like, what’s the outcome?

Okay, I had a client. This was several years ago, they had a child with special needs. Okay, this child had a special trampoline. Okay, they could do their therapies on and it was a cert, it wasn’t your typical trampoline, it was a certain size. It was more rectangular and could fit other adults. And you know, all these things. We found a house that was really perfect for them, but the yard was kind of small. Okay, they went out with tape measures during our showing to measure the yard to see can we fit this trampoline? And it? Would it still be a functional yard? Yeah. And every house that we went to? They measured the grass. Yeah. To see right. And they also opted to get a survey, because they couldn’t be surprised with oh, well, David has a habit six inches off the property like we need all every inch that we can get is important. Yeah,

that’s great. Because measurements were next on my list. Okay, so I had clients who had a very large truck, and it was he was adamant that the truck needed to be in parked inside of the garage. So he busted out his tape measure at every showing. Sometimes we even pulled that dang thing in Yeah. To every showing we measure the garage. There are people like you said with the trampoline, that have an outdoor issue, they need to measure an indoor something they need to need to measure special beds, but whatever the case may be, measurements have to be checked. Again, during your due diligence, you can’t cancel right before closing because you realized your truck doesn’t fit in the garage. This is not an acceptable legal reason to cancel, right. So I think the other thing is maybe you need to check for specific furniture. And then you mentioned the appraisal issue. So tell us what what that means.

So I have had a situation or two where the appraisal came back fine on value, okay, but the square footage was that the appraiser got when they measured was different than the square footage listed in MLS. Okay. And while and that’s not a grounds for cancellation, if it made value, and it’s worth what you’re paying, your loan is approved. You don’t have an out, but I had an engineer that was like, but I don’t want to pay 190 a square foot, right? I want to pay 180 a square foot? Yeah, I thought I was buying it for 180 a square foot? I’m like No, sir, you’re buying it for 300,000 Right. And it appraised for 300,000. Right. And while there was a square footage discrepancy, you’re still approved and it still appraised and he was very upset about the fact that it what he thought the square footage of the house was is not what it was he

he was very focused on the price per square foot and what kind of value he’s getting

that his engineer brain was very concerned about price per square foot. So he went from being fine fine to all of a sudden feeling gypped totally right, even though it appraised. So if you are questioning the square footage, you got to check it you have to check it during your due diligence period because the appraisal is usually ordered after the due diligence period. Right? Right.

You got you can’t wait for that you

don’t get it back in time. I mean, even when the appraiser goes it takes a week sometimes,

right? The last one we’ve already mentioned but I want to circle back to because it’s so so important. Any financial information you need to check so if you need to know the you need to know the amount of your your monthly note. You need to know the terms of your loan.

Make sure your rate is locked right

if you’re not happy with these things, you’ve got to cancel during that period. Okay. Oh at taxes same that’s also a financial thing. Check the taxes. If you don’t like the amount they are you better cancel during your due diligence, right? Okay, I feel like this has been a very long and thorough list. However, I had a whole section about common problems here, but I feel like we’re out of time. I don’t know. I mean, do

you want to keep going? What kind of comment? Can we skim over real quick? Let’s

try okay. Oh my last thing on your due diligence though was to talk to the neighbors like oh yeah tell your client Now sometimes this can backfire on you so do it just tread lightly but ask the neighbors if you want to know about flooding nearby if this is home is new but some of the other homes are older was the has there been flooding what’s you know?

What’s the Thrive bio and a rainy day and see high water rain?

That was on my list of common problems drainage right? You need to if it’s raining run by there. We talked about foundation commonly problem here we talked about mold common problems here. We you and I talked about tree roots in a plumbing line.

Oh yeah. If you want a plumbing inspection, I mean look, yeah, either big

trees nearby or crape myrtles right next to the house or something like that. Maybe you feel like you need to depending on the age of the home. Stucco which we’ve talked about. Twice. Yep. If you are an agent in Louisiana, and your client is buying a home that is all stucco or predominantly stucco or has one of those beautiful parapet walls, which is a beautiful straight stucco wall with no type of overhang at all. Please Please make them aware that that stucco the nature of it is to crack and to let moisture in and to potentially have a rotten wall when your home is only three years old. I’m just saying this has happened. Yeah. And happens in my current neighborhood all the time. People are ripping off the full front of their house and redoing it so scary. Okay, because it can happen. So stucco is like a major. Just be aware. Like you just need to be aware it doesn’t mean you can’t buy a house with stucco. My other one for to be aware of during your due diligence. dormer windows. If you don’t know what a dormer window is, I recommend you Google it. But it’s that cute little window that peeks up, it’s on the roof, and it may be just has the attic behind it. It’s not necessarily your room. But those things leak all the time here because of the nature of our weather. So it’s very hard, and then it’s very rainy. And then it’s windy from storms like these things happen. Also Windows only half typically a 10 year warranty. Hurricanes happen. Maybe it doesn’t like the window doesn’t look that bad, but you have a warranty on that window for 10 years. So you might want to take a real close look at them just like you did with your foundation. Right? Or your warranty was up on your nine and a half like how’s this window look. The other thing was we could do a whole episode on termites. And now that we’ve started talking about it, I feel like maybe we should. But I will tell you I have a client and friend who currently just finished redoing the whole wall of their house because they bought a townhome the townhome is covered has the termite policy is up to date. But the last owner of this unit put brick pavers in the back little courtyard, so cute, they go straight up to the house, which covers the slab right and even though the termite company had been treating, they never flagged it as a problem, which means the termite company company is really negligent there. But none of it was covered. None of it was covered by the HOA. None of it was covered by the termite contract and so they had to redo so you need to be able to see if you’re in Louisiana see slab that’s so important. And I think that’s my PSA about that. But if you’re in another area, what are your things? Are there earthquake things? Is it radon? Does it basements? What are the things that you need to look out for you need to talk to and a season agent or your broker and make sure you’re aware of what your clients need to be made aware of? Sure. Okay,

and I guess we should have said this at the beginning of the episode, right? But our disclaimer would be, we are not saying that everything we listed in today’s episode has to be checked in every single due diligence period, oh my God, but they are things to be aware of, and to when your buyer is saying something is really important to them, that you listen, they keep talking about the school, they keep talking about wanting to have mom on the property one day, like those are the things that you need to pick up on are you to say, hey, you may want to call the permit office.

This episode is more of a mental checklist for you as an agent, it is not made for you to make a checklist for your buyer to scare the bejesus out of them. Right? They are not going to want to buy a house, they surely aren’t wanting to do the work to do all of this due diligence, right? So this episode is for you, too. If you want to make yourself a checklist, that’s fine. Just things to be aware of as you go because we have been doing this so long. They come to us typically, automatically, right? Right. If I say power lines running behind a house and they’re talking about using this pretty green area for something I’m like, Hey, that might be a servitude, right? We’re just trying to help you like keep them top of mind because they’re even things I forget. Sometimes I’m like, oh dang same I should have I should have mentioned that

when that agent asked me if my seller renewed the termite contract. I went and checked all of my pending property disclosures to make sure. I’m like, I wonder when those expire.

Exactly. Okay. Are you ready for a toast? Yes, this one is so special. It’s yeah, it comes from I’m already smiling. It comes from Erin O’Brien, our friend and Virginia Beach, Virginia. She would like to toast to J and Murphy. Oh, that’s okay. I’m all for toasting Murphy called well the dog that brings everyone joy and happiness on a daily basis and made me realize I love corgis.

Oh, that says she said, but seriously, we’re as Murphy right now.

I don’t he’s not here. We should bring him in for YouTube. Right? We’ll bring him in. But seriously, I think that Jay Caldwell should be toasted. It sounds like Jay selflessly puts in hours and hours of time, effort and YouTube watching to help hustle humbly podcast exist as the man behind the curtain.

Yeah, even though he interrupted us at the beginning of this episode, we probably he probably edited it out for the audio, but if we watch it on YouTube, I hear it right,

she says and we are all grateful for him. We are so grateful for him. So Thanks, Jay. We love you. Yeah, where’s our dog? Do you want to get the dog get murky?

Well let you to say hi, Murphy. Do you know what Whitney told me yesterday? That her husband wants a shirt that says like I want to be Jay who wants Whitney? No way like because he’s he’s a carpenter too and loves to do piddle the inlet garden and things he like wants a shirt that’s like I want to be J J halt. Right? Yeah, the J of all trades he can do everything

called J of all trades because the dog went went up there with him. Oh, no. Sad.

Maybe they should make an appearance for the YouTube.

Right? Well, we’ll make them come sit here and the chairs Yeah. Okay. Cut

it up. That would be cute. That would be cute. Okay, hold on YouTube. We’re working on it. We’re working. He’s gonna be like I’m not dressed.

Hey, we need a little favor. Can you and the dog come and bring the dog bring the dog he’s he’s coming. Oh, good. Let’s make him sit here and take their picture. Okay, like they’re recording the podcast. Yes, yes. Oh, that’d be cute. Yeah, we’ll put the we’ll put the microphones on them and make them say hello to YouTube.

We’ll put the dog in your chair YouTube can just it’s gonna be great yeah, that’d be so great. What a great idea Aaron stay okay told me I will address that

Murphy say hi to you can stay you to stay Oh, this is so sweet. Like what I’m talking about right that we did what we could Okay, okay. You can cut that however you see fit. Oh my God to serve you.

Thank you so much for tuning in to the hustle humbly podcast. Let us know who we should toast to for the next episode.

Be sure to follow us on Facebook and Instagram at hustle humbly podcast. If you have an episode, topic or question please email us at hustle humbly podcast@gmail.com

Be sure to subscribe to the podcast and leave a review. See you next week. Bye. This is the goodbye

Two Realtors fostering community over competition through light-hearted conversations.



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