Listen to us talk about fostering #communityovercompetition while navigating the often times cutthroat real estate industry. With over 800 homes sold between them and 7 and 14 years each in the business, they have seen it first hand.
This episode is for all of those agents out there stressing in the middle of the night, texting frantically during the day, and worrying pretty much all day every day about their anxious and unhappy clients. We are diving into the reasons why we might end up in these patterns and give you permission to […]
Well, it seems only fitting that one day after we celebrate love Hustle Humbly tackles rejection. Cue shoulder shrugs. Rejection in real estate is a certainty and yet it is one of the hardest things to get used to in this business. We have all experienced painful rejections from friends, family and that prospect you […]
Maybe you’ve heard of Aristotle’s 12 virtues. You’ve likely heard of the 7 virtues in the Bible. But what about the Real Estate Virtues(according to Hustle Humbly)? What are those traits and qualities that make a good agent a great agent? Join us for a discussion covering some of the fundamental strengths all great agents […]
Ah, data. It’s so necessary to understand our market and the psyche of buyers and sellers. Data is also infinitely helpful in providing real numbers to your clients so they can understand the “whys” behind what you are doing. Data is the fastest way to show you are a market expert. Stats and figures may […]
After the challenging year that was 2020, it’s time to dive into a brand new year and maybe a brand new take on your business. Whether you are in the camp of goal setting or making resolutions or just treat Jan 1 like any other day, this is a prime time to take a look […]
In this week’s episode we channel our inner Mary Poppins and give you a peek inside our staging bag of tricks. What are our favorite staging staples? How do we store them? (Hint: It’s not a seemingly bottomless carpet bag.) How do we treat vacant versus occupied stagings different? Come join us for a chat […]
It’s Christmas week, so we thought it was the perfect time for a light-hearted episode about some of our favorite things. We tackle everything from Christmas movies and family traditions to some of our favorite topics from the show. Kick back while you wrap presents and bake cookies and come join us in a fun […]
What does the chairman of the real estate commission do? How does one end up in a roll like that? How do you survive working with family? So many questions for our first guest since before quarantine. In this episode we interview Louisiana Real Estate Commission Chairman, Rick Roberts. Rick Roberts is currently an associate […]
Today we open up the floor for listener questions! From marketing, to “as-is” properties, to budgeting for closing gifts we cover a wide range of topics. Come hear why the term “lead generation” isn’t one of our favorites and how to defend against scarcity mindset. It’s always fun to hear our listeners questions and we […]
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